Oct 17, 2016 | James Craig | 387 views
Fundraiser - Bottle Drive on Oct 22
Save your empties to support the MD Atom Black Team!
Dear MD Atom Black Families: our first fundraiser this season will be a bottle drive. Please ask your neighbours, friends and family for their empties. We have reserved 2 time slots at the beer store on Lincoln/Weber: 11am (Defense and goalies) and 12pm (forwards) on Oct 22nd (Note, if you can't make it to your specified spot, feel free to come to the other spot - we are just trying to spread how many empties at which time we are bringing in).
Wear your Waterloo Wolves gear and meet in front of the store to bring in the empties. One of the social committee members will be there to help coordinate.
Important: empties need to be sorted (bottles by colour or clear) and cans need to be counted!
Your Social Committee
P.S. We will add all of our empties from Saturday's parent event to this cause as well :-)