Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse, Minor Atom Recreation 2002, 2011-2012 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.

It's hard to believe that we are down to our last few games of the season.  We have made huge strides this year as a team.  Every player on our Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse team has made very substantial gains in skill development, understanding the various on ice assignments and hockey fundamentals.

I mentioned at the first meeting after the teams were finalized that my phylosophy of coaching measures success not by wins and losses rather by the developement of the team as a whole.  If we look back to October and our first game of the season and then compare that team to the team we are now we can only conclude this season has been a success.  Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse can compete with any team in our league!!  Congratulations Guys.  You've worked very hard all year and I'm proud of the way you have handled yourselves.  It is very easy to give up when the wins are few and far between.  We have 4 more games.  Lets keep having fun and SHOOT THE PUCK!!!

The coaching staff have 3 awards to handout to the players and we would like each player to vote for the one most deserving that award.  The categories are: MOST IMPROVED; MOST DEDICATED; MOST SPORTSMANLIKE.

You can vote for yourself.  The most votes will win that award.  Please e-mail your selection to Coach Rob.

Thanks for a great season,

Coach Rob 
Team Record
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