Aug 19, 2024 | Sean Lowes | 704 views
Meet the U13 AA/A #1 Draft Pick - Bogere
The U13 AA/A Waterloo Wolves are proud to join the 18th man initiative and help Bogere get the surgery he needs.
Bogare is 12 years old, and from birth has had a left clubfoot. He has always had pain and difficulty walking due to walking on the side and top of the foot. He has had many challenges in his life due to this disability. He often misses school because he can't walk the distance that is required. He is also made fun of in the community. His dad says they have never had enough money to have his foot treated.
The family survives on peasant farming but the conditions at home are not good.The treatment is as follows:pre operation castings (to stretch the foot before surgery) surgery to lengthen achilles tendonpost operation castings (as foot heals)walking brace (to support foot for first year)physio to strengthen and gain flexibility. They can start Bogere's treatment in late August so that he is underway as the season begins.
The whole process will take 4-5 months.The cost is: $1290