Apr 30, 2024 | Sean Lowes | 1562 views
Release Update & Lineup vs. Kitchener
Hi all,
Thank you again for attending another session in the A/AA tryouts. Everyone worked super hard all game and was super responsive to our coaching staff. For those listed, you will continue your tryout process with the A/AA team. If you do not see your name, your next step will be BB tryouts if you have signed up for such and our staff wishes you the best of luck this coming year.
Players who will be continuing on in the process, but not playing in the game tomorrow vs. Kitchener. attendance is still expected:
Van Hinte, Zaborski
Lineup for 7:30pm @ Kitchener (Activa):
Hahn - Hammond - Dowler
Wideman - DeKoning - Bogarin
Gies - Gies - Ennis Waitman
Chapman - Young
Berringer - O'Malley
Butler - Liu
(Gagnon & Lamont, attendance is not required, but will be continuing with the process)
Please arrive 1 hour early with workout clothes.
Thank you for everyone for coming out, and we appreciate your continue efforts.