Dec 14, 2014 | Rob Waywell | 1201 views
Hard Working Weekend
The team played a couple of good hard games this weekend. Despite missing one player and having at least 3 other players still recovering from being sick the boys made a close game of it with Cambridge.
Tonight against a strong mixed Major/Minor team in Fergus we saw another good effort overall and a huge game in net from Alex! Once again we showed that we are capable of skating with a team even when several of their players are a year older than our boys.
Unfortunately, while the effort was there, there were also some gaps on our team play. In particular, we are seeing the effect that a long stretch without a practice is having on our breakouts and puck control. While it would certainly have been nice to have gotten a practice in over the last few weeks, the choice to make sure we have regular practice time lined up for March/April heading into Alliance has been a conscious one. The good news is that we have a practice next Saturday which will give us a chance to work on those issues before facing Kitchener again on Sunday.