Jan 05, 2014 | John Armstrong | 438 views
Sharks Play Very Well
We played a very good game today.
We kept the pressure on the Blue for a good part of the game.
A couple of breakaways and good shots from good players ended up winning the game for blue.
One person’s efforts that stood out was Murtaza.
The way he was passing the puck and making space for himself was exactly what we talked about during practice I have coached Murtaza for two years and that was the best game I have seen him play.
Jack was also spectacular at the point. The passing that was going on was amazing.
Mutaza was able to get a goal as a reward for his efforts and also got the golden moment.
Great game Murtaza!
It was great to get David and Joe back into the line up. Welcome back boys.
Sadiq made some terrific saves to keep it close.
Don not worry about the loss, the Sharks played very well.
Now we look forward to the Jayden Elmore Tournament in London next weekend.
Sharks …ATTACK
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