Playoffs Start on the Right Foot, News, ATOMc Black, Major Atom Recreation 2003, 2013-2014 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 10, 2014 | Joe Heinisch | 548 views
Playoffs Start on the Right Foot
Sunday February 9, 2014

Game Report: Jay Nijhuis

It's no secret that AtoMc Black did not finish the season the way we wanted to by losing our final two games. Our 7-7 season record put us in 5th place. There is so much parody in the league this year that a 2 game losing streak is enough to drop us that far in the standings.

The good news is the regular season no longer means anything, our new mission is to finish as one of the top 4 teams in order to compete for the League Championship. Our first Playoff match up was against a VERY tough AtoMc Orange team who we only managed to beat in the Christmas Tournament, they had our number all season long.

We received some tough news the morning of the game as stalwart D-Man Jonah V was on the DL with a bad case of the yacks, which meant the rest of the team would have to step up big time to fill the void left on the blue line.

Coach Joe made a bold move by shifting Tyler H back to the point and moving Kyle B up front. This really worked well as our D, especially Tyler, had a very strong game.

Congrats to Grady S on his two goals and Sam G potted his very first goal in organized hockey by driving hard to the net and banging in a lose puck in the crease

Both Jackson M and Liam B played awesome between the pipes only letting in two goals which helped Team Black squeek out a 3-2 victory.

Our team now prepares for a  tournament down the 401 in London for some much needed team bonding time and competition against teams we have never seen before. It should be a great time.

Our next League Playoff Action will come fast and furious the weekend of Feb 21-23 with 3 games in a row.