Mar 07, 2013 | Dave Schill | 615 views
Dear Vic.....
Dear Vic......
We played against our friends the Ice Wolves tonight. It was a tight game and they had a 1 to 0 lead from a powerplay goal for most of the game. We pulled your buddy Johnathan out of the net for the extra attacker with about a minute left in the game. We were able to get the puck to the net and Connor Thomas batted it home with ten seconds left on the clock. It was a nice feeling to have tied it up, especially because it kept the Captain Wolf streak alive ! Jack Eskens was our Captain Wolf and he had a really good game, he even hit the post in the game. Connor Mack slid into the boards tonight but he is ok and Will Simmons hit his head on the ice last week and he had some minor concussion symptoms so he was assessed by Trainer Mike and will get assessed again before next week. We all hope he gets better as he is really missed by the boys, as you are as well. We know both you and Willy are cheering for us and we will continue to respond ! We will play our last game on Sunday before we start into a series with either Waterloo, Cambridge or Brantford. We will not know who we will be playing until after all the games are finished this weekend. It has been an exciting ending to a great season and the boys are all looking forward to the playoffs. Hope everything is going good there and I know your Dad has been posting our scores to the other side of the world for us. The team have all said to say "hi" to you......until next time....go Wolves !