Major Atom 2013-14 - Quite A Season, News, Major Atom Recreation 2003, 2013-2014 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 25, 2014 | John Armstrong | 802 views
Major Atom 2013-14 - Quite A Season
I do not know if you have had a chance to look at the standings but...

We will likely always remember this season.

The teams are very fair and the league is awesome.

Thanks to all the coaches, parents and players for achieving this.
It is a very fun season for the boys.
We have two more regular season games left then the "playoffs" start. 
Your teams performance in the those last seven games will determine where they end up for the round robin, season ending tournament.

In the season ending tournament, the bottom four will play for the consolation.

The top four teams will play for the league championship.
The winner of the league Championship will represent Waterloo in the Record Cup.

The Record Cup game will be the weekend after the Fun Festival tournament.

If you win that game you will represent Waterloo in the Alliance Cup House League Championship in Woodstock the weekend after that.

I am looking forward to the final two months of hockey.  It should be fun and exciting for everybody.

Our league is so much fun. The coaches, parents, players and families have made the season terrific so far.

Keep up the positive atmosphere and everyone will win!