3 On 3 Info, News, Major Atom Recreation 2003, 2013-2014 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 30, 2013 | John Armstrong | 584 views
3 On 3 Info
Better Late than never

Please bring your son dressed if possible we are expecting over 70 boys and there will not be enough dressing room space

We can save the dressing rooms for the goalies

Your boy will be assigned to a team  (1A 1B 2A 2B…)

The boys will get a pinnie and be assigned to a coach


Goalies will be circulated through the games


There will be 6 players per team – two lines,

Due to odd numbers, two teams have in 9 or ten players – they will get longer “games”


When you arrive your get your boy ready for the ice then line him up with his coach in the hallway


The coach will have a sign indicating his team


They will play 20 - 5 minute games therefore each team will play twice


They will play against boys of similar ability


During game play there will be adjudicators in the stands choosing the winner of the trophy


Group 1 Best overall

Croup 2 Best defence

Group 3 Best Shooter

Group 4 Fastest Skater

Group 5 Stick Handler


Best goalie chosen from all the goalies participating


The trophy announcement will be made after each group has had two shifts approximately 1:45

(2 shifts of 3 on 3 is enough)


I hope this give you some idea what to expect


For those of you who are coming see you tomorrow