End-of-Season Celebration
Sun Apr 03, 2022, 1:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Kingpin Bowl in Cambridge
Please arrive at Kingpin Bowl in CAMBRIDGE for 1:50pm
Located in the Cambridge Centre Mall: 355 Hespler Road, Cambridge
The boys will receive instructions and start their private laser tag session 2-2:30pm.
They'll have time to grab bowling shoes after laser tag.
We have 3 bowling lanes reserved for them 2:45-3:45pm.
Cheese & Pepperoni pizzas and iced tea/pop will be served for the boys to enjoy while they bowl.
Reserved tables for parents have been arranged to visit while boys are enjoying laser tag and bowling.
Activities and food for players covered by team budget. Parents will be responsible for their own bar tab.
See you then!!!!!!!!
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