Jul 21, 2018 | Bob Hergott | 1260 views
Summer Daze
Hey everyone!
Hope you are enjoying your summer and getting some deserved vacation time! We are getting things set for the upcoming season and looking forward to some great adventures and fun.
This season will see the addition of some dryland training helping our players learn to take care of their bodies as they move into their teenage years. We have some great tournaments set for this year so it should be a great year for us. So far we have the Stratford Warriors Early Bird tourney on September 28 to 30th, then we are headed for the Nation's cup tourney in Detroit on November 23rd to 25th, then we will be returning to Buffalo in the new year for a late season tournament.
I'm very excited for the coming year and looking forward to building a great team and great experience for our families this year.
Looking forward to seeing you all in September!
Coach Bob