Oct 23, 2016 | Shane Droog | 915 views
Team social gathering
As our preseason draws to a close this week, I wanted to pass along a few updates.
This Friday night October 28th we are going to have our first team social gathering at Shoeless Joes in Waterloo at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome, even siblings. We’ll have a group dinner and then present the boys with their jerseys and team Wolf wear. Please RSVP on our group BBM chat. It will be a chance for the boys and parents to socialize before our season kicks off on Saturday.
Manager Mike has been busy booking our team schedule. Our season is now locked and loaded until after the school Christmas break as you see it on our website, except for our game to be added on Sunday November 6th. That game will appear in the next few days. Mike has 4 more games to add in the New Year and he tells me those will be done within the next few weeks. Other than that, we may grab a practice here and there after Christmas as needed but I don’t see too much more being added past what we have booked.
The boys have looked great in practice and I am excited to get the season started!
Coach Shane