Ice Time, News, Schlueter Hyundai Teal, Minor Bantam Recreation 2003, 2016-2017 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 12, 2016 | John Armstrong | 388 views
Ice Time
Here is how I will manage ice time


Hello All,

Rule #11 in the Rec League Rules describes how the coach can deliver ice time. I have copied and pasted it below

A tough part of hockey at this age is positional play.


Moving a player around from position to position during a game is hard on the player.

I will do whatever I can to keep as many players as possible in the same position  during the game.


To that end, Here are my intentions for ice time.


I will play with 4 defence every game.

If I have 12 skaters I will play with 6 wingers, 2 centre, and 4 D and I may have 3 centers some games.

I will even the ice time out over several games. This is the only thing that is somewhat controversial.

I think technically I should try to even out the ice time each game but it is too disruptive to the team.

But like I said it will be the norm to not have a full team.

If there are 11 skaters (more likely than 12) I will have one player be the swing man and play all forward position but start every period to catch up.

I will change the swing man each game we have 11 players.

If we have 10 skaters or less (which, if experience is any guide we will have many times), too much ice time becomes the worry.

I think we will have a lot of fun this year.
If you have any concerns about the icetime you player is getting please talk to me after the game.  It will be fresh in our minds making it an easyer discussion.

Also, if you do not like what you are hearing from me, you can talk to Sean Orsborn the other league convener.

He is the coach of Gold.

Thanks for reading this.


Rule #11: "Fair Ice-Time"

Recreational Hockey strives to provide all players with approximately equal Ice-Time throughout an entire

game regardless of skill levels. Injuries and penalties are an obvious exception to this rule; also,

changing "on the fly" with younger inexperienced players can occasionally lead inadvertently to unequal

ice-times. Coaches must try to rectify any accidental inequalities. Coaches, however, may use a "Power

Play" during the last two (2) minutes of a game which is the only other exception to this rule. The

following table should be adhered to as ice-time for all players. If a team wishes to use two goalies they

are to be given Fair Ice-Time and the balance of the team will follow these guidelines for the balance of

the players:

9 Players 1 Goalie 5 Forwards 3 Defense;

10 Players 1 Goalie 2 Forward Lines 3 Defense;

11 Players 1 Goalie 2 Forward Lines 2 Defensive Lines;

12 Players 1 Goalie 2 Forward Lines 5 Defense; OR

12 Players 1 Goalie 7 Forwards 4 Defense;

13 Players 1 Goalie 7 Forwards 5 Defense; OR

13 Players 1 Goalie 8 Forwards 4 Defense;

14 Players 1 Goalie 3 Forward Lines 2 Defensive Lines;

15 Players 1 Goalie 3 Forward Lines 5 Defense;

16 Players 1 Goalie 3 Forward Lines 3 Defensive Lines;

17 Players 1 Goalie 3 Forward Lines 7 Defense.


All Players will alternate in rotation and must receive "Fair Ice-Time".

Pulling the Goalie for an extra player out can take place only during the last two (2) minutes of the game

except for a delayed penalty.

Double-shifting is absolutely prohibited. The only exception is the Power Play described above. Coaches

who disregard this rule will, in the first instance, receive a Convenor's warning. In the case of subsequent

infractions, however, the game will be played to its conclusion so as not to punish the entire team.

Notwithstanding the actual score of the game, however, the offending team will automatically lose the

game (1-0). Coaches may be further disciplined and/or suspended at the discretion of the Convenors for

breach of these "Fair Ice-Time" rules and guidelines. Exceptions to this rule require the explicit

permission of the League Convenor.


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