Sep 14, 2014 | Andrew McMurry | 930 views
Minor Atom Tryout #4
Thanks to all the boys who came out to watch their friends play hockey this afternoon. Those on the ice worked hard and came away with a nice win. Unfortunately, it's impossible for everyone to move on to the final tryout on Tuesday.
We wish those players released tonight success in the Select tryouts, which begin Sept. 27. The coaches of that team will have some strong players to choose from.
The following players are invited to the final tryout on Tuesday at 5:30 at Albert McCormick.
M. Anderson
R. Beckner
I. Bosomworth
E. Ciccone
O. Diplock
D. Gibbs
K. Haig
T. Hancock
C. Hunter
A. Jain
C. Labrie
H. Langlois
B. Lovallo
M. Lynch
E. Malcolm
J. Malcolm
B. McLeod
O. McLeod
D. McMurry
R. Mervyn
C. Meyer
L. Miller
C. Obermeyer
H. Parker
K. Pereira
M. Reed
R. Ritter
N. Romhild
T. Rudolph
K. Schaefer
C. Tiegs
A. Wolfe
A. Ye
C. Zappitelli