Sep 12, 2014 | Andrew McMurry | 1457 views
Minor Atom Tryout #2
We were impressed by the effort during this long tryout session, and it's very difficult for us to let any of these boys go. Each boy had moments in which he demonstrated the skill and drive we are looking for.
We sincerely wish those boys whose names are not on the following lists the best of luck in the upcoming House league season.
The following will be playing tomorrow at Duncan MacIntosh in Cambridge at 1:30 PM.
O. Diplock
E. Foell
D. Gibbs
K. Haig
B. Lovallo
B. McLeod
O. McLeod
E. Malcolm
L. Miller
M. Reed
R. Ritter
T. Rudolph
T. Rutherford
K. Schaeffer
C. Tiegs
J. Walsh
J. Williams
C. Zappetelli
M. Zettler
Please arrive early enough to be ready for the pre-game warmup that will begin at exactly 12:45. Wear shorts/track pants, t-shirt and running shoes. Boys with nameplates are welcome to bring them. We will be wearing Wolves white away-jerseys.
The following boys will not be playing but will be continuing on in the tryout process:
M. Anderson
R. Beckner
I. Bosomworth
A. Bruce
E. Ciccone
T. Hancock
C. Hunter
A. Jain
C. Labrie
H. Langlois
M. Lynch
J. Malcolm
D. McMurry
R. Mervyn
C. Meyer
C. Obermeyer
H. Parker
K. Pereira
N. Romhild
A. Wolfe
A. Ye
Those boys not playing in Cambridge have the day off from tryouts. They are NOT REQUIRED to attend the game.