Hockey Day In Rangers Nation, News, ATOMc Teal, Major Atom Recreation 2003, 2013-2014 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 06, 2013 | John Armstrong | 149 views
Hockey Day In Rangers Nation
Our team has been selected to play in the 4th Annual Hockey Day In Ranger’s Nation Sunday, Dec 1 2013  

Our team has been selected to play in the 4th Annual Hockey Day In Ranger’s Nation.

Sunday, Dec 1 2013.

We have a scheduled practice that day which I will try to reschedule with WMH

The details are a little sketchy at this point but here is what we need

If your boy can attend a game that day?

If you will attend the Rangers game that night and how many tickets will you need

The T-Shirt size of your boy

This is a fantastic opportunity for the boys and I am so happy we are given this chance

Rangers Game That Night
You do not have to attend the Ranger’s game that night

But if you want to attend you will have to buy tickets at the prices listed below

 $21.50 (age 13 and up) ​​​​​​​

 $17.50 (age 12 and under)      

For everybody who wants to go, we will buy tickets as a group to sit together.

We will be asking “who wants tickets to the Rangers Game?” this weekend to get numbers

They want us to respond by Wed. Nov. 13 so it does not give us much time

Please let me or Muniza (team manager) know your intentions for this event

We need to know this weekend either at the or the practise Saturday or the game Sunday

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