Sep 10, 2012 | Stu Schneider | 2022 views
Tryout Information MINOR BANTAM MD
Welcome to the 2012/13 Waterloo Wolves Minor Bantam MD Tryouts.
The following information will help you understand the tryout process and our plans for the upcoming season. You are also encouraged to read the W.M.H.A. Rep Manual and visit for additional information.
Player selection will be based upon skill, capability, work ethic and sportsmanship. It is our goal to select the 15 best suited players and 2 best suited goalies for the TEAM.
After each tryout a list of players being asked to return for the next tryout or exhibition game time will be posted on our team website. Players are asked to check the list.
We thank all released players for trying out and hope you all have great years with your teams this season.
Please ensure that you are well aware of the tryout schedule (available at
Tryout September 11th 5:30pm – 7:00pm RIM Park
Inter Squad September 13th 7:00pm – 8:30pm RIM Park
Game – Burlington September 14th 8:00pm – 9:00pm Appleby Centre
Game – Burlington September 15th 7:30pm – 9:00pm RIM Park
Game – TBD September 16th 6:30pm – 8:00pm RIM Park
The Team will participate in 3 tournaments this season.
Tournaments that are being considered:
• Ace Bailey - Stoney Creek
• Festival of Friendship - Cambridge
• John A McDonald – St. Catherine’s
We appreciate your time and would like to thank you for attending our tryouts.