Attention: All Novice Parents, Coaches and Volunteers, News, Flyers, Novice Recreation 2003, 2011-2012 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
News Article
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Oct 10, 2011 | cbeke | 496 views
Attention: All Novice Parents, Coaches and Volunteers
Instructions and Helpful Tips on Navigating the Novice Website

All league information, schedules, calendars and related information will be delivered through our Division Home Page. I  recommend that all Novice parents familiarize themselves with our website.

Here's some quick tips and instructions on how to use the website.

IMPORTANT: Schedules may change so instead of printing off your team schedule and calendars please check the website at the start of each week to confirm your child’s game and practice schedules. Checking the site on a weekly basis will also keep you up to date on League News.

Novice Home Page……..
All League Wide announcements will be posted on the Novice Home Page.
Hint: Bookmark this page on your PCs and wireless devices

Team Home Page (example) …….
This example is the Red Wings home page. Each team will have its own link.

For team information, schedules and calendars you should go to your team site (located on the left column of the home page)

Schedules and Results Tab..... all games, Xmas tournament games and playoff games will be posted on this page. Waterloo Minor Hockey will update this page on a weekly basis.
Note: PRACTICES are not visible on this page. You need to go to the Calendar page to see your team’s practice schedule.

League Standings Tab.... will be updated weekly by Waterloo Minor Hockey.

League Calendar Tab..... this is a two week calendar view that shows all games, practices and league events


WMHA Communications Tool (strongly recommended)

WMHA offers an auto text/email update. By subscribing to this "free" service you will be emailed/texted on any last minute scheduling changes (games and practices), league news, team announcements, etc. Notifications for schedule changes (practices and games) will usually only happen if the change happens within the next two weeks.


1. Go to Novice Home Page

2. On the left hand column close to the bottom of the page you will see "Manage Subscriptions". Click on "email" or "text"

3. Enter your email address or text info and press "GO". NOTE: I believe you can set up multiple email/text accounts. After completing step 4. Go back to step 1 and repeat process.

4. Scroll down to Novice 2003 and find your team name. Check off all four (4) boxes and then return to the top of the page and select "Save" and exit

Congratulations. You will now receive real time updates to the site.
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