Sep 28, 2022 | Chad Vance | 381 views
Evaluations start this weekend!
Hi Parents,
This year we've combined the U14 and U15 groups, this will allow for an 8 team division with lots variety for the kids playing. We are going to use the ice times this weekend and a number in October to ensure the teams are balanced.
All information will be posted here so set up notifications or check back often.
This weekend the kids will be broken up into teams and play games, we should have the teams organized in the next day or two.
Here are some dates we know right now.
HL Evaluations Sep 30-Oct 2 (link to schedule)
Select Tryouts Oct 14-16 (link to schedule)
Christmas Tourney Dec 27-30
Year End Tourney Mar 24-26
If you're interested in being a team trainer or helping out on the bench please make sure your start your police records check now.
Your tri-concenvors
Ben, Chris, Chad