U12 Wolves Are Ready to Hit the Ice!!, News, U12 (2009), 2020-2021 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2020-2021 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 01, 2020 | WMHA | 508 views
U12 Wolves Are Ready to Hit the Ice!!
Hello Wolves families!!  

Thanks for registering with Waterloo Minor Hockey for Phase 1 of the 2020-21 hockey season!! 

With our season ended abruptly last spring, I’m sure the boys are itching to get back on the ice with their buddies and try to get some sense of normalcy!!  

Having said that, as you are probably aware, this will not be a normal hockey season.  Teams, leagues and gameplay will all look a little different. 

However, we can all work together to create a program that focuses on the most important aspects of the game:  FUN, Fitness, and Friendship!!

COVID-19 Symptom Screening & Contact Tracing

Please review these Instructions for using the 519Check-in App for COVID-19 Symptom Screening for your phone or tablet.  This is a mandatory requirement for participation in any WMHA activities this season.

**TROUBLESHOOTING – For technical support & troubleshooting DO NOT contact the office.  Email [email protected] for assistance**


Facility Use & COVID-19 Protocols

 Please READ the following rules, responsibilities and restrictions regarding COVID-19 Protocols and the use of Waterloo arena facilities:

  • ARRIVAL – You must arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled ice-time for entry into the arena.  A City of Waterloo ambassador will bring all players into the arena simultaneously as a group. Late arrivals may be prevented by City staff from entering the arena.
  • SYMPTOM SCREENING – ALL players must submit their COVID-19 Symptom Screening responses via the 519Check-in App prior to arriving at the arena.  Players will NOT be permitted to participate under any circumstances unless and until they have submitted and passed the COVID-19 Symptom Screening protocol.
  • NO DRESSING ROOMS – Dressing rooms will NOT be available.  Players must arrive fully dresses (except skates, gloves, helmet) and may be accompanied by 1 parent or guardian into the arena.  A dressing area will be provided “rink-side” for players to tie their skates and put on their gloves and helmet.
  • SPECTATORS – Only one (1) parent or guardian may accompany a player into the arena.  If you accompany your child to his practice or game you must proceed directly with your child to the designated dressing area and remain in place for the duration of the game or practice if you choose to stay and watch.  You CANNOT leave your space, congregate with others or otherwise wander around the arena.
  • MASKS - The Region of Waterloo’s Mask Bylaw applies to indoor areas in city buildings, including all arenas. Coaches, players and parents are required to follow the bylaw and wear face coverings at all times while in the arena prior to on-ice participation.  Players and coaches may only remove their mask immediately prior to putting on their helmet before their ice time, and must put their mask back on immediately after removing their helmet after their ice-timeDuring games, Coaches must wear their mask at all times on the bench.
  • WATER BOTTLES - Water fountains will NOT be operational.  Players must bring their own pre-filled and sanitized water bottle for their personal use.  Water bottles should be clearly labelled with the player's name.  Absolutely NO sharing of water bottles is permitted.
  • EXIT - At the conclusion of their ice time, players must quickly remove their helmet (and put their mask back on), gloves and skates and immediately exit the arena.  All coaches and parents must also immediately exit the arena at the conclusion of the ice time.

Game Play

Game days will look very different during Phase 1.

Please review this Overview of the Modified 4v4 Gameplay Rules that will be in effect for Phase 1.  Note that these same rules are also in effect for all levels of Rep hockey as well.

Given the likelihood that player absences will be more frequent this season, you can expect your weekend games to more closely resemble “pick-up” hockey than traditional youth hockey league. Teams within a league will be free to “mix & match” players to the extent necessary to allow gameplay.

We will keep score in games, but there will be no formal standings or any kind of tournament play leading to a championship.  This is all about getting the boys back with their buddies and having some fun!

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