Sep 22, 2015 | Adrian Townsend | 1110 views
Saturday Evaluation Groups
LIST HAS CHANGED! Please double check, however those who have had their times change should have been directly contacted.
This Coming weekend we are going to have a final set of evaluation groups.
Please check the list below to see which hour you should show up for.
If you do not see your name, or it appears twice, Contact Adrian or Andreea.
Any players wishing to play full-time goalie should contact the convenors (Andreea or Adrian)
Please See the table at the front to get your pinnies so we can record the colour and number you receive, and return them upon completion of the tryout.
If we could have a few parents for each ice time willing to help out with organization, that would be greatly appreciated!
Saturday Evaluation Group #1
Jacob W
Alexander S
Ben W
Gabriel P
Hugh F
Lucas L
Gianluca R
Wesly S
Ryan K
Owen I
Ryan S
Donald S
Jacob L
Josh T
Cole B
Cain L
Noah H
Hayden B
Jakob F
Jie-woo P
Owen C
Ben S
Ronan M
Oliver N
Daniel Z
Chris C
Saturday Evaluation Group #2
Griffin R
Nathan S
Carter M
Jimmy S
Evan M
Noah VC
Isaac C
Samuel R
Kadin P-K
Wyatt H
Logan H
Sam S
Cameron M
Cooper K
Noah Z
Jack M
Spencer N
Charlie G
Devin M
Cole R
Ethan G
Elek K
Noah S
Mitchell K
Nicolas G
Andrew M
Saturday Evaluation Group #3
Gavin B
Dell W
Hudson M
Brett H
Onyx S
Jacob F
William H
Ming Xi C
Hayden S
Rowen M
Tanijan J
Matthew Y
Elliot K
Daniel B
Aaron Y
Rowan W
Ezra D
Logan F
Redden S
Zachary G
Maximilian S
Jeremie G
Elijad DC
Logan T
Wyatt M
Alex G