Mar 10, 2022 | Ted Brewer | 7083 views
2022-2023 Rep Coaches Announcement
The WMHA Rep Committee would like to announce and congratulate the following coaches for the 2022-2023 AAA & AA (Seeded) season.
Matt Desmeules - U10
Chris Meyer - U11
Larry Paleczny - U12
Steve Darbyson - U13
Tyler Murdoch - U14
Frederick Mercier - U15
Shawn Dietrich - U16
Brian Burnley - U18
AA (Seeded)
Nick Delic - U10
Steve Gilmour - U11
Mike Cinelli - U12
Corey Cruickshank - U13
John Rich - U14
Brandon Brown - U15
Jeff Johnson - U16
Mike Radatus - U18