Feb 17, 2016 | Rose Lodoen | 1800 views
March 2016 House League Year End Tournament
Waterloo Minor Hockey Association
Recreational Hockey Year End Tournament
Novice to Midget Divisions can be found on the next page.

Waterloo Minor Hockey Association
Recreational Hockey Year End Tournament Rules
Novice to Midget Divisions
- WMHA rules for Recreational Hockey will be followed.
- Maximum warm up to 3 minutes from the time the ice is ready. All players should be ready 15 minutes ahead of scheduled times as games may start early.
- There will be no time-outs in round robin play. One 30-second time-out per game in Championships.
- Time for preliminary games for all divisions are to be 10 – 10 – 10. Championship games are 10 – 10 – 15. Curfews will be at the discretion of the Tournament Committee, however, when there is a six (6) goal difference, straight time will be used after the mid-point in the game.
- If tied, all games (round robin and Championship) will be determined by shootout. The shootout will be sudden victory and players from each team will shoot simultaneously. The first team to score in an equal number of shots will be declared the winner. No player may shoot twice until all players, excluding goalies, have participated in the shootout. **Minor Midget will have shootout only in Championship games**
- A team not icing 6 players for any game loses by default. The score will be recorded as 3-0.
- Games will not be held up for lack of equipment for players.
- Any player incurring a fighting penalty will be ejected from the tournament. Any suspensions will be served during regular season play the following year.
- In the event of any serious rules violations please contact your division convenor who will escalate to the tournament committee as necessary.
- The tournament committee reserves the right to make decisions regarding interpretation of tournament rules and regulations and to make decisions regarding protest(s). All decisions are final. The tournament committee is comprised of the REC Director Junior, REC Director Senior and the Director REC Parent Concerns.