Dec 24, 2013 | Mike Pryzmant | 385 views
Architects Gift Wrap a Victory!
The Architects had a one-game weekend on Sunday against Team Green.
The Architects played as a team shorthanded again! Lots of passing and making plays in this Sunday’s game.
Cameron S. scored the first goal of the game, early in the first period. Then, Evan K. scored shortly after for a 2-0 lead for the Architects. Max S. scored the last goal of the game for a 3-0 win.
Josh C. was stellar in net again, for his third shutout of the season, and second in a row. Way to go Josh!
Parker N. received the Golden Jersey for playing a great game as a forward and rushing to the net.
A special thank you to all the families - dressed in orange - for supporting the team! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a great game!
Great game Arrrrrchitects!
Cameron S. #3