Oct 20, 2013 | Mike Pryzmant | 194 views
Oct 20th Update
A solid effort from the team today. We came out strong, scoring early.
Our positioning overall was great. Unfortunately our second period play wasn't as strong. We learned a couple lessons and something to help us focus on and become stronger at!
Nonetheless, it was great to see the team gelling and the effort was great!
The Golden Moment Jersey was awarded to Mitchell today. He stood strong on the opponent's blue line and worked hard to get back and stop our opponents rushes. Great job Mitchell!
Today I handed out
photos order forms. The team and individual picture will be taken on
Sun Nov 24, 2013 in the
AMC Beaupre Room just prior to our 10:30 am game. Once I know more I will let you know when you need to be there.
I need your waiver forms still. If you don't want to sign the waiver place let me know.
I need to know your interest for the two tournaments. The Walter Gretzky payment deadline is fast approaching!
See you bright and early Saturday!
Go Arrrrchitects!
Coach Mike