Dec 13, 2018 | Steve Muncan | 638 views
Christmas Tournament 2018 Information
Hello Players, Parents & Hockey Families,
Our Christmas Tournament is just around the corner.
Let's all work together to have an
amazing Christmas tournament!
The tournament runs from December 27th until the 30th. Our teams will be posted to the site based on our division standings.
Our team names for the schedule will be updated shortly, so please check back soon! You
can find the Christmas tournament schedule by clicking on the "Tournaments" tab or selecting "Quick Links" on left hand side of the home page or by clicking here.
Good luck to all teams during the Christmas Tournament!
And to all the Players & Coaches, have FUN!!!!!!
Wishing you all a safe and Happy Holiday.
Steve Muncan & Paul Van Cromvoirt
Minor PeeWee Recreation Convenors
Waterloo Minor Hockey Association