2018 Christmas Tournament & Skills Competition, News, Minor Atom Recreation 2009, 2018-2019 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 18, 2018 | Greg Best | 651 views
2018 Christmas Tournament & Skills Competition
The 2018 Christmas Tournament will take place December 27-30 at RIM Park.

The tournament will kick off with a Skills Competition on December 27, 2018 at 12:00pm at RIM Park, followed by an awards ceremony with snacks and refreshments!

Round Robin games take place December 27, 28 and 29 with Semi Finals and Finals on December 30.

Click "Read More" for details!

2018 Christmas Tournament

Schedules have been posted on the Tournament website at https://waterloominorhockey.com/Tournaments/4178/Divisions/4262/ as well as on individual Team websites.

Tournament Rules:  Christmas_Tournament_Rules_Novice_-_Midget.pdf

2018 Skills Competition

Date: December 27, 2018
Time:   12:00pm
Location: RIM Park (Pillers)

Arrival:  Players must be dressed and ready on the players' benches at least 10 minutes prior to the ice time for instructions and organization.  Players should come to the rink fully or partially dressed as dressing room space will be limited.

Events:  The Skills Competition will feature 4 Events:  (1) Breakaway Relay; (2) Puck Control Relay; (3) Powerplay Challenge; and (4) Full-Ice Relay Race.

Coaches will assign players from their teams to each event.  Each player will have the opportunity to participate in at least one (1) event.  Depending on numbers some players will compete in multiple events.

Please review the event descriptions with your son or daughter prior to the Skills Competition so that they have an understanding of the rules of the event(s) that they will be competing in.

Event Descriptions: Skills_Competition_(FINAL).pdf

The winners of each event will be presented with their awards off-ice at the Reception following the Skills Competition.


Date: December 27, 2018
Time: 1:00pm
Location: RIM Park - Room 207/208

All players are invited to attend a Reception immediately following the Skills Competition.  Pizza and drinks will be served.  Skills Competition winners will receive their awards at the Reception.

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