New Years Eve Day 3 on 3, News, Skills Plus, Minor PeeWee Recreation 2003, 2014-2015 (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 25, 2014 | Joe Heinisch | 521 views
New Years Eve Day 3 on 3
Thursday December 25, 2014

Written by: Jay Nijhuis

Merry Christmas everyone, I hope Santa was good to you all.

Parents, a quick note for you.

The Coaching staff was supposed to ask the boys after the last game if they would be available to play in the 3 on 3 challenge December 31 from 10am to 12 noon. I guess with the game result, we totally forgot to ask.

It is my understanding that they will create teams of boys based on their evaluation rankings so that like skilled players will be doing battle with each other. This should be a lot of fun and there are even some awards to be won.

Please let Coach Jay know on Wednesday at the tournament if your son will be playing in the 3 on 3 challenge.

Thanks so much.

Click here to get all of the 3 on 3 details

Skills Plus Hockey
Get an Edge on your Skills! Skills Plus programs are designed to enhance a player’s level of skill, increase his/her knowledge of the game, and improve his/her physical fitness. Participation in these programs will promote all around development and will aspect of sport.