Success - What is it?, News, Bantam Ice Wolves, 2012-2013, BB (Waterloo Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 29, 2012 | Craig Campbell | 834 views
Success - What is it?
How do you define success?  Is it merely by wins and losses?  I don’t think so.

After having some time to reflect this week after a busy weekend in Ottawa and watching our boys play some phenomenal hockey, I’d say success has more to do with character, desire and a willingness to learn above all else.  

Simply put, coming back from down a goal in the third, then playing two overtimes plus a 12 round shootout, (yes 12 rounds!) against a very strong Single A team from Peterborough drove the point home for me. 

As I walked from the bench, I couldn’t help but smile.  Did it pain me to see us get eliminated, sure it did.  But, you couldn’t write a better ending for defeat in my eyes.  Everyone stepped up.  And although we did not win the tournament and Johnson’s hair will remain its current colour (for now!), we as a team made a statement.  We achieved success.  That’s what we told that boys following the game and told them to hold their heads high.

Edit: for reference the tournament winners, Quinte West Hawks have played over 30 games this season and have NO losses and a single tie.  That tells you just how talented the teams were at this tournament.  Here is a link about them and our semi final opponent Peterborough.


As a team we made the most of that weekend in Ottawa.  From meals shared, to the Junior game in Gatineau, to a jam packed team room at the hotel and team lunch the following day, everyone gelled.  Experiences.  It’s part of the commitment I made when I took this team on.  I want our boys to have fun and remember the year for more than just wins and losses.  Remember it for the successes.  So far we have, both on and off the ice.  But we are nowhere near done.

We’ll now turn our focus back to league play and continue to work.  I know the boys want more and as coaches we’re happy to help deliver that.

Looking forward to an exciting second half of the Regular Season.   Way to go boys.

Coach Craig & the staff